How It Works
Young people attend a scheduled ninety-minute consultation to gather information and determine the most suitable approach for them. Accompanying adults are kindly asked to leave for a period to allow the young person to discuss their main difficulties. If therapy is deemed beneficial, weekly sessions will be arranged.
Where appropriate, young people will be accompanied by an adult to a fifty-minute session each week and promptly collected afterwards. Although there is no waiting area, there are several pleasant cafes and a duck pond nearby for parents or carers to visit during the session.
My work with young people can help with difficulties such as:
• Anger
• Often appearing depressed, down or sad
• Acting out challenging behaviours
• Experience of prolonged bullying or are bullying others
• Sibling rivalry
• Loss
• Isolation
• Low self-esteem
• Have experience of domestic abuse
• Have experience of parental substance & alcohol use disorder
• Separation anxiety
Get in touch …
If you would like to talk to me confidentially about your age 15 years+ young person,
please leave a message via email or phone and I will get back to you as soon as possible: