About me …
I began my work with an interest in people and what makes us tick. In 1990, I embarked on counseling courses and simultaneously began making art. I realized my artwork was autobiographical. The art-making and counseling courses combined helped me reflect and develop self-awareness. This opened up a world of new possibilities, where art and therapy could co-exist.
Having experienced the potential of art-making personally, I went on to art school to complete a BA degree in Fine Art. Shortly after, I completed the Art Therapy Foundation course at Goldsmiths University of London. Working as a full-time School Counsellor and Mentor, I then pursued a Master’s in Art Psychotherapy at Goldsmiths University of London.
I trained and worked in both education and NHS Adult Mental Health Services, where I remained for a further four years. I then worked in schools and nurseries with children, families, and staff. I am also trained in Children’s Accelerated Trauma Treatment (CATT).
The talking …
I work with a combination of both psychotherapy (talking therapy) and art psychotherapy. Talking (Psychotherapy) involves talking with a trained therapist who carefully listens to and observes both verbal and non-verbal communications. Sharing what is on your mind and how that makes you feel can help observe patterns in your life which may be helpful to change. Patterns of behaviour and communications can be set in place very early in life, part of the work is to be able to help link up thoughts and feelings that may have an effect on current behaviours and moods.
Through talking therapy, you can share your experiences confidentially in a safe therapeutic environment. This can offer a sense of release and renewed insight allowing you to develop more self-assurance and stability. Using talking therapy can allow us to think together about how future communications and relationships might be more effective, satisfying and more fulfilling.
The talking …
I work with a combination of both psychotherapy (talking therapy) and art psychotherapy. Talking (Psychotherapy) involves talking with a trained therapist who carefully listens to and observes both verbal and non-verbal communications. Sharing what is on your mind and how that makes you feel can help observe patterns in your life which may be helpful to change. Patterns of behaviour and communications can be set in place very early in life, part of the work is to be able to help link up thoughts and feelings that may have an effect on current behaviours and moods.
Through talking therapy, you can share your experiences confidentially in a safe therapeutic environment. This can offer a sense of release and renewed insight allowing you to develop more self-assurance and stability. Using talking therapy can allow us to think together about how future communications and relationships might be more effective, satisfying and more fulfilling.
Art & Art Psychotherapy …
The creativity in art psychotherapy sessions that I provide comes in many forms. This includes talking and not necessarily through making images; no one is pushed into art-making. However, the art materials are always there. In my view, creativity and ideas come in many configurations: through active listening, linking, working with symbolism, imagination, dreams, visualization, and in all forms of communication, kinaesthetically, tonally and thinking about our thinking. We explore our perceptions, beliefs, learned behaviors, and, if it feels right, through using mark-making and creating imagery.
I understand art-making is not for everyone within art therapy; it’s a personal choice, there is no right or wrong. Art within art psychotherapy is another tool I use.
I continue to work in private practice with adults and young people (15 yrs+) based in Barnes SW13. I also work in schools and educational settings based around the London area.
Art and Art Psychotherapy …
The creativity in art psychotherapy sessions that I provide comes in many forms. This includes talking and not necessarily through making images; no one is pushed into art-making. However, the art materials are always there. In my view, creativity and ideas come in many configurations: through active listening, linking, working with symbolism, imagination, dreams, visualization, and in all forms of communication, kinaesthetically, tonally and thinking about our thinking. We explore our perceptions, beliefs, learned behaviors, and, if it feels right, through using mark-making and creating imagery.
I understand art-making is not for everyone within art therapy; it’s a personal choice, there is no right or wrong. Art within art psychotherapy is another tool I use.
I continue to work in private practice with adults and young people (15 yrs+) based in Barnes SW13. I also work in schools and educational settings based around the London area.